Meet your Emergency Department team

Brett leads the team of nurses in the Emergency Department

This is Brett, the Nurse Manager of the Emergency Department at Prince of Wales Hospital and his team of dedicated healthcare staff.

When you meet Brett, you immediately see his calm, caring nature. Calmness is in high demand in an Emergency Department!

Brett looks after all the nurses and support staff, auxiliary staff and of course the patients and their families that come to emergency in varying degrees of distress.

Brett is all passion and pride – for his work as a nurse, for his team of front-line workers, and for the hospital he is a part of.

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Brett in his own words

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It started with a magnifying glass

I worked in a nursing home as part of my high school work-experience, and I looked after a little old lady.

She was unable to read the menu at the nursing home and I’d sit down with her, and we’d read it together. When I left, she gave me a magnifying glass and said ‘You will continue nursing in your life’. That’s what I have done.

Show your appreciation to nurses and frontline workers

It’s the little things that keep Brett passionate about nursing; like seeing his staff develop and their skills and knowledge grow.

He feels satisfied when he hears a patient say, “Thank you” to a nurse because they know they are appreciated.

And of course, Brett wants nothing more than to see his patients leave the hospital in better shape than when they came in – and maybe even leave with a smile.

Say “THANK YOU” to Brett and the ED team

If you’d like to say THANK YOU to the nurses of Prince of Wales Hospital, please add your message to our appreciation message board:


Hi Brett and the ED Team
Thanks for all the work you guys put in.

Jo Thomas

Thank you 🙏

Every time we ended up in ED the nurses were wonderful, caring. A huge THANK YOU to all! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Kathleen Szentirmai

Thank you Brett

Thank you Brett & the team for being there


Great team

Great team


Thank you

Thank you so much for caring and looking after us

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