Justin (Service Manager, Covid Management Centre) Interview for Men’s Health Week
It’s Men’s Heath Week (13– 19 June) and the Foundation sat down with Justine to talk about the importance of men’s health, how he maintains his own health and what he does at Prince of Wales Hospital.
Q1: What is your role and what do you do?
A: I’m the Service Manager here at the Covid Management Centre. We offer a virtual service and assist patients at home who are experiencing the coronavirus and are isolating. This service is provided through an app to help provide support and engage with our patients. I work with a variety of team members from registered nurses, enrolled nurses, and medical students. The team is very resilient and adaptable to change, and we have a very inclusive culture.
Q2: What does a typical day at work look like?
A: I manage over 30 staff and we look after over 150 patients a day. Every day is different and challenging. I’m involved in managing staff, developing new ways to provide support to our patients and strategising what that would look like. Working in this space means that things can change every day. We need to be agile and adapt to any new updates.
Q3: How do you keep healthy outside of work?
A: I keep active outside of work. I enjoy playing squash and working out at home. In addition to keeping active, I eat a balanced healthy diet. When I leave work, I try to compartmentalise and switch off from work and then head home. I keep my work life separate to my home life. I also enjoy playing music and find that therapeutic.
Q4: What advice would you share for men during Men’s Health Week?
A: Engage with your GP regularly. I suggest doing a full blood count and skin check to make sure you’re staying on top of it once a year.
Other health checks that you should also be doing regularly include checking on your cholesterol, doing a bowel cancer check, a prostate check and making appointments with your dentist. Being aware of your mental health is important and vital as well.